The Fund Starter Academy Europe – Learn to launch a fund

What does it take to launch a fund? We help you to learn it! 📈

The Fund Starter Academy helps you …

  • … to learn how to launch a fund step by step.
  • … to get connected with other fund starters.
  • … to start your fund project with more clarity.

How will the Fund Starter Academy be structured?

We will make the Fund Starter Academy a great experience tailored to your needs to learn how to launch a fund.

This is the plan for the Fund Starter Academy:

  • In (bi-)Weekly exclusive online lessons, you can question experts.
  • Small classes with 6 to 10 participants per cohort allow you plenty of room for your questions.
  • Each lesson of the ten lessons will be between 45 to 120 minutes. So, you can combine it with your (busy) schedule.
  • A recording of the classes will be provided after the event. With it, you can also follow up on what you’ve learned.
  • 1-2 cohorts a year will go through the Fund Starter Academy. So, you will have a pool of peers to share experiences with.
  • A physical networking get-together is planned after the completion of several cohorts.

Ambitious participants 💪🏻

Clear focus on your questions ❓

Small groups with high engagement 💫

Which topics will be discussed?

The Fund Starter Academy is built around three larger content sections:

We will begin the Fund Starter Academy with the following questions:

  • Legal framework and location – Which fund location is the right one for me – and why? How do locations like Germany, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein or Ireland compare to each other?
  • Costs & fees: How should I think about costs and fees for my fund? How much does the fund setup cost? What is mandatory to run a fund? What makes sense to invest into? How should I structure my fund fees?
  • How do I finance myself? How do I connect to the fund? – What is the right way to earn money with the fund? How should I think about my setup in relation to the fund?

In the middle part of the Fund Starter Academy you will get to know important service partners for your fund project.

  • Fund service platform – What does the fund service platform provide to me?
  • Liability umbrella – …
  • Custodian – …

We will spend the final part of the Fund Starter Academy on customers and sales.

  • Which customers do I want to win? – Who can I win a customer for my product? How important is it to be different? How will my early investors be different from later-stage investors?
  • What are customers awaiting from me? – What do my customers want from me? How can I reach them the right way? How should I think about the sales structures for my product?

These experts help you with your fund launch questions

These experts will guide you through the Fund Starter Academy:

How is the Fund Starter Academy different to other offers?

This makes us different:

Fund Starter Focus

The Fund Starter Academy has a clear focus on the needs of fund starters. Every element of the teaching is designed for this group.

Which advantages does the additional Plus community membership bring?

The Fund Starter Academy is embedded in the Good Investing Plus community. This brings participants additional advantages.

Educative member events

Via Good Investing Plus, we run many educative events. You will always be invited!

Be part of a global network

We are building a growing, global community for passionate investors. You have access.

Discuss investment ideas

A lot of attractive investment ideas are circulating in Good Investing Plus. You do join the debates.

Join the BRK conference

We are hosting our Good Investing Conference @ Berkshire Hathaway. You can be a part of this unique get-together!

Grow as an investor

Good Investing Plus aims to support your growth as an investor. Via our broad offering, we want to make you better day by day.

Grow your fund

Good Investing Plus helps you to grow your investment business with different tailored events and offerings.

Please apply to join the Fund Starter Academy

The Fund Starter Academy is part of our Plus community. You can try the membership for 30 days for free. Then, it starts from €500 a year for Emerging Managers.


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    What happens after your Plus application?

    Onboarding steps @ Good Investing Plus Investing Community

    1. Are we right for you?

    We want to ensure you will be happy in the community and at the conference. Therefore, we will check your application to see if it is suitable. Sometimes we might need more information. Then we will ask you for it.

    2. Onboarding

    If we feel you are a fit, you will be invited for an onboarding call and a link to onboard. You can access our members’ area a few clicks later. You are on board now!

    3. Community access is granted

    Now you can start networking with other investors in Circle. You can get more information on the Fund Starter Academy. Furthermore, you will receive invitations to webinars, meetings, and more.

    The Fund Starter Academy FAQ

    Contact us, if you have other questions.

    We also want to support you after you have set up your fund. Therefore, we invite you to the community from the start. With it, you can also easily participate in educative formats and meetings for fund managers. They will help you to scale up your business.

    You can learn more here.

    Picture sources: Freepik, Becris, surang and iconixar, Vector Squad on