Good Investing Talks Podcast

Good Investing Talks Podcast

What is the podcast about?

The episodes of the Good Investing Talks Podcast are in-depth conversations to understand and study Good Investors and Good Companies. With different, individually tailored formats, we want to help our listeners to become better investors, and understand the thinking of good business owners.

The episodes of the Good Investing Talks Podcast are also published in a visual format on our YouTube channel.

The episodes

Why do you like DoorDash, Jackson Zhu (Square Street Capital)?
How did you grow Compounding Quality to 440,000 followers in 2 years, Pieter Slegers?
Pieter Slegers has grown Compounding Quality from 0 to 440,000+ followers within only two years. Here, we learn more about his success story.
What can I learn from “On the Hunt for Great Companies”?
Simon Kold published the very entertaining and insightful investing book "On the Hunt for Great Companies". Here, you can learn more about the book.
Why do you like Nvidia & Airbnb, Will Kim of Apsis Capital?
We had the pleasure of welcoming Will Kim of Apsis Capital Management. Will is investing in trends via the stock market.
Why do you like Andon Health + Gongniu Group, Xin Wu (Banyan)?
Xin Wu of Banyan Partners is an outperforming Chinese public equity's investor that many don't know. We were happy to have him!
Why do you like Haier D shares, Dan Rupp of Parkway Capital?
It was great to welcome Dan Rupp of Parkway Capital ( as a first-time guest on the podcast!
Why do you like Alpha Group International PLC, Dede Eyesan?
It was our pleasure to welcome Dede Eyesan of Jenga Investment Partners as a first-time guest on Good Investing Talks!
Why do you like Cake Box Holdings PLC, Sam Hollanders?
It was our pleasure to welcome Sam Hollanders of Chess Capital ( as a first-time guest on Good Investing Talks!
Why do you like Jet2Airways stock, Theron de Ris?
It was our pleasure to welcome Theron de Ris of Sorengo Partners ( as a first-time guest on Good Investing Talks!
Is Korea the new Japan, Chan H. Lee & Albert Yong (Petra Capital)?
Could Korean stocks offer the same chance for high returns as Japanese stocks had? I discussed that with Chan H. Lee & Albert Yong (Petra Capital)
Tom Gayner on the Markel Brunch and the Reunion 2024
Chris Waller, why does Plural Investing own TerraVest stock $TVK?
Chris Waller of Plural Investing joined us for the first time. Learn more about his fund & investment strategy.
The Complete Financial History of Berkshire Hathaway (Adam Mead)
What are ABO Wind’s best markets, CEO Karsten Schlageter?
In the second part of our interview with ABO Wind CEO Karsten Schlageter, we discuss the companies' ambition in renewables.
Why is ABO Wind becoming a KGaA, CEO Karsten Schlageter?
Why do you own so much stock of HomeToGo, Steffen Schneider?
Please enjoy the second part of my conversation with Steffen Schneider of HomeToGo, where we covered HomeToGo Pro, M&A, and his investment in the company.
Why is Gruppo Mutui Online so different today, Marco Pescarmona?
It was great to have Marco Pescarmona of Gruppo Mutui Online back. The company has changed a lot since 2021.
Can HomeToGo win in booking & SaaS, Steffen Schneider?
I am pleased to welcome CFO Steffen Schneider for a two-episode discussion of HomeToGo and the business's growth chances.
What are VNV global's chances after the Babylon fail, Per Brilioth?
We had the pleasure to welcome Per Brilioth of VNV Global back. In this interview, we walk through Babylon's bankruptcy and the portfolio companies' chances.
Matthew Brown, why have you built an awesome research management system for free?
Matthew Brown of Kalakau Avenue has built a great notion tool for investors. It can be very helpful to structure your research.
How have you built Tsai Capital with & against family, Christopher Tsai?
In the second part of our conversation with Christopher Tsai of Tsai Capital, we discuss Christopher's heritage and what lessons he could learn from his family.
The youngest quality manager? A talk with Shaurya Gupta
I had the pleasure to interview Shaurya Gupta of Shaurya started his partnership 5 years ago, at the age of 21. He is hunting for quality stocks.
Christopher Tsai, what is the ultimate goal of investing?
It was a pleasure to welcome Christopher Tsai of Tsai Capital as our first guest in Berlin to discuss Tesla and more.
Joshua Collinsworth, what are opportunities in health care services?
Joshua Collinsworth recently started Nomadic Value Partners. Our fund starter interview discusses Joshua's way into the investing field. Furthermore, we look at his investing approach at Nomadic and discuss investing in Healthcare services.
What is your advice for Emerging Managers, Guy Spier?
In this last part of my 2023 interview series with Guy Spier, we have collected helpful thoughts for emerging managers and investment business builders. If you are building an investment business, please check out
Tom Gayner, how are you building Markel? A CEO interview
It was great to welcome Tom Gayner of Markel back on the podcast. Here we discuss how he is building Markel('s reputation)
Is Vossloh on track to outgrow expectations, Mr. Trischka?
Dr. Thomas Triska is the CFO of the European railway company Vossloh. After years of structural change, Vossloh now seems to be a on a new growth track that is supported by global infrastructure investments.
Guy Spier, how would you invest 1 Mio $ in China?
What is Warren Buffett's dark side he does not want to discover? Find the answer in this interview with Guy Spier.
Marko Graßmann, what do you plan with the Alpha Star Europa fund?
Marko Graßmann just recently started managing the Alpha Star Europe fund. Here you can get insights into the strategy of the fund and Marko's plan with it.
What happened to the drunk in the bar, Guy Spier? A talk about honesty, givers, and meditation
Guy Spier is back! Three years after our first interview (, I had the pleasure of interviewing Guy Spier of Aquamarine Capital again in his library in Zurich.
What chances do metals and mining offer, Anthony Young?
Following the Paris agreement, the world has to rebuild its energy system. But what does that mean in detail? I have discussed this question with Anthony Young of Edendale Capital, focusing on metals and mining.
How does Stone House invest super concentrated?
Stone House Partners has a fascinating investing approach. Compared to the other investors on this channel, they bring the term "concentration" to a maximum. What does this mean for their performance? The answer is surprisingly good!
Jake Taylor, how does Journalytic help investors?
Jake Taylor of Farnam Street Investments has spent a lot of time building Journalytic ( Journalytic is a journaling tool for investors. In this podcast, we discussed Jake's background and what he has built with Journalytic.
Can JDC Group digitize the insurance industry, Sebastian Grabmaier?
JDC is a German company trying to digitize the insurance sector with its software and service approach. Together with the co-founder Sebastian Grabmaier, I could do a deep dive into the company.
Is va-Q-tec a hidden European energy champion, Joachim Kuhn?
va-Q-tec is another European company that could be interesting for investors looking for opportunities in the energy crisis. The company specializes in energy savings with its unique isolation technology.
What is the laser technology champion LPKF planning?
LPKF is a German company with a focus on innovative laser technology. With this technology, LPKF offers innovative solutions. The company CFO Christian Witt gave us insights into the future plans of the German company.
Dev Kantesaria, what is your formula for quality investing?
Dev Kantesaria is one of the two decision-makers at Valley Forge Capital Management. In his portfolio, he is focused on high-quality stocks.
Soo Chuen Tan, what have you learned building Discerene Group?
Together with his team, Soo Chuen Tan has built the global Value Investing firm Discerene Group. They have scaled the firm to a respectable asset manager. In our conversation, we discussed Soo Chuen Tan's builder story and his investing approach.
Is Georgia Capital a chance to cheaply invest in quality assets?
I had the pleasure to interview the CEO of Georgia Capita Irakli Gilauri. Georgia Capital is a holding that owns a lot of quality assets.
Are mining stocks a chance to profit from the green transition, Fabian Erismann?
Together with Fabian Erismann of the Earth Resource Investment Group I made a deep dive into the mining sector and its pitfalls. We also discussed how mining could be sustainable.
How to find the best retail & restaurant stocks, John Zolidis?
John Zolidis is an expert on retail and restaurant stock. I had the please to interview him on different opportunities in his universe.
After the crash: What are the chances in European Tech, Daniel Kröger?
Daniel Kröger runs the global ELM Global TICO fund with a strong tech focus. With him, I have discussed how he manages his portfolio during the current volatile market.
Tech bubble? Tech crash? Baki Irmak on tech investing in turbulent times
Baki Irmak runs the Digital Leaders Fund. At the start of this mini-series, we discuss how he manages his tech portfolio in turbulent times.
2G Energy stock: The solution for Europe's energy crisis, Friedrich Pehle?
2G Energy is a German Mittelstand company that offers a solution for the Energiewende and European energy security. We had the chance to discuss the company's technology with Friedrich Pehle.
Tarek Müller, can About You's Scayle outcompete SAP and Salesforce?
The About You co-CEO Tarek Müller gave us even more insights into the business. In our second interview, we discussed the path to profitability, customer cohorts, retention, marketing, and the powerful potential of Scayle.
Winning with Aliens, Warhammer, Mudrunner & World War Z games? A talk about Focus Entertainment
We had the pleasure to chat with Laure d’Hauteville & Christophe Nobileau of Focus Entertainment about the publisher's changing business model, the growing pipeline, and upcoming, exciting games.
David Nangle, how do Creditas and Konfio contribute to VEF's success?
VEF is the Emerging Markets Fintech investor. The Sweden-listed company is investing in Fintech assets in Emerging Markets. After one year I did a follow-up discussion with CEO Dave Nangle.
Tarek Müller, how does About You want to win globally?
About You is a very interesting German company that could be a potential global fashion leader.
Nick Devlin, how does Naked Wines show strength in turbulent times?
It was a great pleasure to bring Nick Devlin of Naked Wines back for a follow-up on the company's progress since last year.
Per Brilloth, how do you want to win with Babylon Health stock? A talk with the VNV Global CEO
I had the pleasure to welcome Per Brilioth of VNV Global back. We have discussed the recent turmoils and their Babylon Health investment.
Is Nintendo stock poised for winning in the 2020s, Ryan O'Connor and Todd Wenning?
They are back! Ryan O'Connor and Todd Wenning have joined us to give an update on Nintendo stock and the future of the company.
How to best invest in Germany? With Roger Peeters of pfp-ADVISORY
Roger Peeters is an outspoken expert for the German stock market. With the DWS Concept Platow, he is running a successful Germany fund. Our video was recorded before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. So, we don't facto the recent developments in.
Christopher Tsai, is investing an art? Insight from 20+ years of successful investing
Christopher Tsai started his fund in his early 20s and is since then invested with an impressive track record. In this interview, he shared deep insights from his 20+ year investor career. We also talked about the overlap between investing and art.
Marc Appelhoff (Home24 CEO): How do you build furniture e-commerce's future?
Marc Appelhoff is the CEO of Home24 - a leading European e-commerce retailer for the mass markets. In this interview, we discussed the future of this business that is currently heavily shorted.
How to interview great? A chat with Will Barnes & Will Oliver (In Practise)
William Oliver and William Barnes run In Practise - a service for expert interviews. Here we took time to talk about the art of interviewing.
How to find great European stocks, Daniel Gehlen & Marc-Lennart Bräutigam?
Daniel Gehlen and Marc-Lennart Bräutigam of Gehlen Bräutigam Capital run the Gehlen Braeutigam Value HI funds. The fund is specialised on European small and midcaps.
Philipp Haas, how did you build a successful fund with YouTube?
Philipp Haas has a great public track record and shared a lot of stock knowledge on YouTube - to finally launch a fund.
Joe Frankenfield, how much Value Investing is in Saga Partners?
With Joe Frankenfield of Saga Partners I have discussed his steps into investing and how he is approaching high-quality businesses.
Alex Kopel, how do you focus on great returns at Rowan Street Capital?
Alex Kopel has left his Wallstreet job to found Rowan Street Capital. There he focuses on investing in high-quality businesses & great returns.
What are good ways to invest in South Korea, Petra Capital?
ve into this market.
How does Spotify win the creators, Jeremy Deal & Sleepwell Capital?
Jeremy Deal and Sleepwell Capital discuss in the final episode of our podcast series on Spotify how the company wins the creators.
What do all successful investments share, Thatcher Martin of Spree Capital?
Martin of Spree Capital Advisers has built an investment firm that focuses on the long-term and invests in high-quality businesses. We discussed the eight commonalities of high-quality businesses and his investment in the eBay stock and the Upwork stock.
Can Spotify be the leading audio platform, Jeremy Deal & Sleepwell?
This is the second part of our discussion about the future of Spotify. Enjoy!
From China to Elephants & Snapchat: Rom Wilson on ACM Capital
Rom Wilson of ACM Capital has a very interesting investing journey. He learned to invest in China before starting a US-focused fund.
How are you building the energy future at ABO Wind, Karsten Schlageter?
Renewable energies are booming. In this conversation with Karsten Schlageter, a member of the board of ABO Wind, I discussed the business model of the developer ABO Wind.
How is Spotify positioned in the audio market, Jeremy Deal & Sleepwell?
The audio market might be the last untapped opportunity in social and the internet. Spotify is well-positioned to conquer it. Here we explore the audio market and Spotify's position in it.
Dennis Hong, how did you grow ShawSpring Partners? A founder talk
In this conversation with Dennis Hong, we discuss the history of ShawSpring Partners.
Fred Liu, how do you pick the best stocks for Hayden Capital?
In the second part of your 2021 conversation, Fred Liu and I discussed the investment process of Hayden Capital. We also take a look at his investment in Sea Limited.
[Replay] Opportunities in small founder-led stocks? A talk with Andreas Aaen (Symmetry A/S)
With Andreas Aaen of Symmetry A/S I am happy to discuss his approach and the world of small founder-led companies.
How much Fred Liu is in Hayden Capital? How do you select partners?
In our conversation, Fred Liu and I covered how he has built Hayden Capital. Enjoy the conversation with the founder of Hayden Capital!
Edward Chang, how did you compound with above 30% p.a.?
Edward Chang of Pledge Capital started his fund 5 years ago. Since then he compounded money at outstanding rates. It was a pleasure for me to talk to him about this way into investing, his favorite stocks, and where he sees his firm in 5 years.
Why invest with VEF in Emerging Fintech? A talk with CEO David Nangle
With David Nangle I talked about the strategy of VEF - the emerging market fintech investor (formerly: Vostok Emerging Finance).
Is Gruppo Mutui Online the best Italian company? With Marco Pescarmona
I had the pleasure to discuss the history and potential of Gruppo Mutui Online with one of the founders of the company, Marco Pescarmona.
Looking for an investing community? Here is Good Investing Plus
Good Investing Plus in my new community for experienced investors. You can apply here:
Felix Gode, how to compound with over 15% p.a. in German stocks?
Felix Gode is a good investor with a focus on small and mid-caps from German-speaking countries. We had the pleasure to discuss his strategy and two investments.
Why does Worm Capital invest in disruptor stocks like Tesla and Spotify, Dan and Erik?
In this interview, Eric Markowitz and Dan Crowley gave me interesting insights into the way the outperforming funds of Worm Capital are "engineered". We also discussed Tesla and Spotify.
Can Babylon Health dominate digital health, Per Brilioth (VNV Global)?
With Per Brilioth of VNV Global, I discussed the history of the company, the current portfolio, and Babylon Health.
Tom Gayner, how do you build your portfolio? A talk with the Co-CEO
I had the pleasure to do an interview with Tom Gayner of Markel. We talked about capital allocation and much more.
Why are you digging for investing diamonds in South Africa, Rudi van Niekerk?
Rudi van Niekerk is an outspoken expert for investing in South Africa. He is following a long-term-oriented value approach in a rather inefficient market.
What are your lessons for compounding in the Nordics, Daniel Glaser?
Daniel Glaser of River Oak Capital is an outstanding global investor with a strong focus on the Nordics. He walked me through his journey into investing and his approach in this talk. We also discussed his investment in Fortnox.
What are the pains of growth for Naked Wines? A talk with CEO Nick Devlin
With Nick Devlin, the CEO of Naked Wines, I had the pleasure to discuss the developments and prospects of the wine e-commerce company.
Is Nintendo a multi-bagger? Ryan O'Connor on Todd Wenning deep dive on the japanese stock
With Ryan O'Connor of Crossroad Capital and Todd Wenning of Ensemble Capital, I had the pleasure to take a deep dive into Nintendo.
Is Naked Wines building a mousetrap? A chat with Rowan Gormley
In this conversation, the former Naked Wines CEO Rowan Gormley sits down with me to discuss the history of his company.
Are 1 - 2 investments per year enough? Andrew Rosenblum on AHA moments
Andrew Rosenblum of Bonsai Partners is an impressive investor. He is looking globally for great business and investment opportunities. Here we chat about his way into investing, his approach, and his investment in RedBubble.
How friendship helps to find the best stocks - Dennis Hong & Fred Liu
In this podcast, Fred Liu and Dennis Hong share how friendship helped them to become better investors. They also share investing insights.
What makes internet stocks attractive, Dennis Hong (ShawSpring)?
In this talk Dennis Hong and I are discussing the great opportunities that make investing in internet businesses so attractive.
Why are you invested in Sea Limited and Carvana? A Q&A with Fred Liu (Hayden Capital)
Fred Liu of Hayden Capital is a Value Investor with a focus on quality investments. He is investing concentrated and looking for opportunities in the Asian internet space.
Why is he heavily invested in Carvana? Investor Clifford Sosin on Carvana
Here we are talking with Cliff Sosin (CAS Investment Partners) about his investment in Carvana, shorting and his advice for young investors.
How to generate ideas? A talk with outperforming Value Investor Cliff Sosin
Here outperforming investor Cliff Sosin talks about his way to generate ideas and why he declines certain investment ideas.
What is a good Investment process? A talk with the Value Investor Rob Vinall
In this conversation, Rob Vinall of RV Capital outlines his investment process and what he is looking for in companies.
How to evaluate management? A talk with Value Investor Robert Vinall
In this interview, Rob Vinall explains how he evaluates management.
What has a bar to do with finding investment ideas? Guy Spier on idea generation, process & research
At the beginning of October 2019, we had the chance for a series of interviews with Guy Spier of Aquamarine ( and in Zurich. In this part of the interview, you can learn more about Guy Spier's research process.
How did Mohnish Pabrai inspire Guy Spier? An interview in the Aquamarine Fund's office in Zurich
At the beginning of October 2019, we had the chance for a series of interviews with Guy Spier of Aquamarine ( and in Zurich. In this part of the interview you can understand how Guy became the investor he is today.

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